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wellhealthorganic com: Protein rich vegetarian Indian food

wellhealthorganic com protein rich vegetarian indian food in hindi / English

Friends, protein is an essential element for our body and it is very beneficial. Protein gives strength to our hair and gives it the power to keep our hair dark. Protein also strengthens our bones and many parts of our body need protein.

Know what is protein?

They are made up of many smaller components called amino acids. Protein is very beneficial and essential for the growth of muscles, our bones and other parts of the body and for repairing any breakdowns in the body. Protein is also important for our hair, nails and more!

There are 20 types of amino acids in total, 9 of the 20 essential amino acids we get from the food we eat, and 11 of the 20 amino acids our bodies make themselves.

So, accordingly, we should take such food in our daily food, which gives us these 9 essential amino acids, so that our body can get complete amount of protein.

There are three types of protein in our food.

1. Meaning that complete protein-

This protein contains all 9 essential amino acids. Essentially complete protein is found in non-vegetarian, eggs, milk and all milk-based ingredients.

2. Mean incomplete protein -

These 9 essential amino acids in protein are not found in any single food item like peanuts, almonds, gram, pulses etc.

3. i.e. complementary proteins

Two such foods are eaten together which are different but together form complete amino acids, so here they both complement each other and deliver all the essential amino acids to the body together.

Like pulses and rice. If lentils and rice are eaten together, this food provides the body with all the essential amino acids.

Information on vegetarian meals with protein

We know very well how useful protein is for our body. And doctors also tell us to eat protein-rich foods. Friends, non-vegetarian food has a lot of protein, fish and eggs have a lot of protein, but friends, this post is for our vegetarian people, who don't eat non-vegetarian food, then what is protein for? ? Those people?

Today we friends will learn about vegetarian food, which will give us equal or more protein than non-vegetarian food and our body will not be weak due to lack of protein.

Peeled Lentils:-

Unpeeled lentils are very beneficial for your skin, your hair and your nails and the whole body. Because unpeeled lentils are rich in iron, sulphur, sodium, protein and zinc. Lentils compensate for the lack of blood in the body and at the same time it works to bring a natural glow to the screen. Lentils along with chia seeds also keep our digestive system healthy and thereby reduce blood loss in our body. It doesn't even happen. It provides our hair, our nails and our entire body with plenty of protein and other essential nutrients. So guys, definitely eat dal, it will keep your body healthy and you will not be deficient in protein.


We know very well how much protein is found in soybeans, 100 grams of soybeans contain about 30 to 35 grams of protein. Often you have seen that people who want to gain weight by doing sports, soybeans are good for them. Consume in quantity, due to which their body weight is balanced and their body is also strong. Friends, eating soybeans also gives you a good amount of fiber, which makes your digestive system less friendly.


Kidney beans also contain good amount of protein, friends, kidney beans are everyone's favorite and everyone loves to eat them. Kidney beans are rich in protein, about 20 to 25 grams of protein per 100 grams of kidney beans. Along with protein, other types of vitamins are also found in kidney beans which are essential in our body. Make up for the lack of vitamins. . And also helps us to keep our body organs healthy.

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